Chính sách khách hàng

Hướng dẫn đặt in

We don't sell icons separately for one time use, however you could subscribe to our monthly plan which covers the use of our non attribution license and premium icons for any project during your membership plan. You can then cancel the plan once you have used them. Whenever you have a new project and need our pro icon license and use the icons again, you can do the same and


We don't sell icons separately for one time use


We don't sell icons separately for one time use, however you could subscribe to our monthly plan which covers the use of our non attribution license and premium icons for any project during your membership plan. You can then cancel the plan once you have used them. Whenever you have a new project and need our pro icon license and use the icons again, 
you can do the same and 


We don't sell icons separately for one time use, however you could subscribe to our monthly plan which covers the use of our non attribution license and premium icons for any project during your membership plan. You can then cancel the plan once you have used them. Whenever you have a new project and need our pro icon license and use the icons again, 
you can do the same and 

© 2014-2023 In Thu Ha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Hoàng Minh Trung

0964 647 855

Hoàng Trung Nguyên